Nine Innings From Ground Zero
The life and times of Kensington's family
Click on the mission patch above to read the full article.
The Web site — WeChooseTheMoon.org — goes live at 8:02 a.m. Thursday, 90 minutes before the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch from Cape Canaveral, Fla. It will track the capsule's route from the Earth to the Moon, ending with the moon landing and Armstrong's walk — in real time, but 40 years later.
Internet visitors can see animated recreations of key events from the four-day mission, including when Apollo 11 first orbits the moon and when the lunar module separates from the command module, as well as browse video clips and photos and hear the radio transmission between the astronauts and NASA flight controllers.
This year's Restaurant Week - when more than 130 restaurants will offer three-course prix fixe meals for $35 to raise funds for the North Texas Food Bank and Lena Pope Home - will be August 17 through August 23. A number of participating restaurants are extending the promotion for an extra week (August 24- August 30) or two (August 24-September 6).See the list of participating restaurants here.