Friday, August 7, 2009

Quite Possible The Best Top Ten List From Letterman

"Pixie Dust"

From Michael Yon
I made this photo last night in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. This Landing Zone is very dangerous. A few weeks ago, another helicopter was coming into this LZ and was shot down at the last minute, killing all passengers and crew. Two children on the ground also were killed. The sparks coming off the rotors occur when the helicopters land in hot, dusty conditions. The landing itself occurs in a dangerous "brownout." Brownout danger is compounded by the sparks which light up the dust and can confuse pilots who are wearing extremely sensitive nightvision goggles.

Click the picture to see more of Michael Yon's blog posts.

Train Sets Bridge On Fire

Talk About A Bad Day
The Good News: It was a normal day in Sharon Springs, KS when a Union Pacific crew boarded a loaded coal train for the long trek to Salina.

The Bad News: Just a few miles into the trip a wheel bearing became overheated and melted, letting a metal support drop down and grind on the rail, creating hot sparks.

The Good News: A very alert crew noticed smoke and immediately stopped the train to investigate.

The Bad News: The train stopped with the hot wheel over a wooden bridge with creosote ties and trusses. The photos speak for themselves.
Click on the picture to read the article and see the other pictures.

Thanks To Snopes

50 State Bingo Or The First Step To World Domination?

What do Hawaii, Idaho, Vermont and Wyoming have in common? Anyone...? Anyone...? Bueller...?

Those are the only four states that have not had at least one of their residents read this blog. Once I have readers from those four states I will be able to set my sites on conquering the world, but I have to knock out the US first (click here to hear evil laugh).

If you know someone in one of those states you can help me complete this step towards world domination by sending them a link to this blog. Surely you know someone that would like to see the dancing wedding party. Or, maybe your friends would better appreciate learning what is meant by the phrase Booty, God, Booty. Regardless of their taste you should be able to find something here to please their palate.

Thanks for your support.