More on the lightning theme from last Sunday...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Baskin Robbins: BOGO
Baskin Robbins has a Buy One, Get One Free coupon online for their 31° Below™ Soft Serve treat (think Dairy Queen Blizzard). The coupon is good through June 21, 2009.

Warehouse Club vs. Grocery Chain: A 175 Item Comparison

Does buying in bulk really save you money. The folks over at Sound Mind Investing did an experiment to find out. You can read their analysis by clicking on their logo above.
100 Crashing Jetliners
I recently heard about a book that I am very eager to read. The Hole In Our Gospel is by Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision U.S. In an interview on the Sojourners blog he makes this statement:
Thanks to Kevin Colon for the heads-up on this book
The number of children who die every day — 26,000 — is the equivalent of 100 jetliners filled with children, crashing every day, 365 days a year. It is shocking that this is happening and few of us are paying any attention. So, yes, this speaks to the core of our faith and what we believe. Are we, as Christians, okay with this, or are we going to do something about it? Whether we are successful or not in tackling this kind of deadly poverty is secondary. But I don’t believe Jesus gave us the option of apathy — not even trying. First and foremost, as Christians we are commanded to serve the Lord, to be obedient to his calling for our lives. I believe it was Mother Teresa who said, “God does not call us to be successful; he calls us to be obedient.”Click on the book below to read the full interview. There is a study guide and other tools available at the book's website:

Great Rich Mullins Quote
A friend posted this on her FaceBook status today. I "borrowed" it from her for my FaceBook page, but I thought I would share it here as well. And if you are not familiar with Rich, well you should be. I have put a video and a couple of links at the bottom of this post so you can familiarize yourself with him.
More About Rich Mullins
More Rich Mullins Quotes
I had a prof one time... He said, "Class, you will forget almost everything I will teach you in here, so please remember this: that God spoke to Balaam through his ass, and He has been speaking through asses ever since. So, if God should choose to speak through you, you need not think too highly of yourself. And, if on meeting someone, right away you recognize what they are, listen to them anyway."Thanks Ronne!
More About Rich Mullins
More Rich Mullins Quotes
Gaylord Texan Friends & Family Rate
The Gaylord Texan in Grapevine has a Friends & Family Special going on. The available dates are listed below. The promo code on this coupon is incorrect. The actual promo code (according to the e-mail I received) is FNF09.
Thanks to Sharon for sharing...
Gaylord Texan
- May 20 - June 21
- June 25 - July 1
- July 5 - July 8
- July 15 - July 26

Gaylord Texan
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