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You’d be forgiven for thinking that chickens and dogs were not natural bed fellows.
But a one-year-old hen that thinks it’s a dog has adopted a litter of puppies much to the bemusement of their canine mother.
Mabel has taken to keeping the small dogs warm by snuggling up to them while their mother, Nettle, sits out in the yard at a farm in Shrewsbury.
Click the image to read the article.
Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing
Are you smarter or stoopider than the average person? Take this short IQ Test and find out how you compare. I don't mean to brag, but here are my results...

**The Smart or Stoopid test is purely meant to be a fun quiz to see how your IQ rates alongside the average, based on the scores
of other people who have taken the test. Naturally, only stupid people would take it as a true indicator of intelligence,
and only intelligent people would take it as a true indicator of stupidity. Or something like that.
Click the image to take the test.
Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing