Thanks To Awkward Family Photos
The life and times of Kensington's family
59 years at one job is inspiring, but 59 years teaching math and science to middle school students is impressive.Click the picture to read the article.
The huge difference between gambling and investing is the probability of return. It’s astronomically different. You can check online the Dow Jones average going back to 1920. Look at it over the last 8 years. You’ll find that it has always gone up over time. The graph looks like saw teeth, but it always goes up. The average annual return of investments in the stock market since 1926 are 6.2%. The average annual return when you buy a lottery ticket is zero.Click on the picture to read the article.
Here’s a word picture to show the probability of winning the lottery: Draw a line between the earth and the moon, about 250,000 miles. You buy a lottery ticket, and you get to purchase 12 inches between here and the moon. That’s your probability of winning, the odds of picking a spot within your 12 inches.