Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The National Debt Road Trip

First, let me clearly state that I have no idea if this guy's numbers are correct or not. I am posting this because of the way he presents the data. If things were always made this simple I wonder if we would allow our elected officials to get by with some of the things they do.
How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And how did the national debt get so big anyway. This video tries to answer those questions by looking at the debt as a road trip and seeing how fast different administrations have been traveling.

Thanks To Bobby Vaughn

'Monster' Trains vs Freight Trains

In January, Union Pacific tested a 3.5-mile long "monster" train, using extra locomotives to distribute power efficiently. Just what are monster trains, and how are they different from conventional long-haul freight trains?
Click the image to read the article. Watch the video below to see the train pass...and pass...and pass...