The image above is "a visualization of the contiguous United States, colored by distance to the nearest domestic McDonald’s". Click on the image to read the full article.
Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing
The life and times of Kensington's family
For some reason I always look forward to the “In Memoriam” parts of award shows, especially the Oscars and the Emmys. I always like to see what clips are used of a performance of the deceased and what order they are presented, and sometimes I’m surprised that someone died and I had no idea that they were gone, or just reminded of a great that has passed. And it’s cool that I get to see people I had no idea were behind a film or show that really impacted my life. Oh, and it’s really interesting to see how the audience reacts to each person.
We all love a good "dumb criminal," story and when it involves social networking Web sites, it's even better.Click the image above to read the story.
A man was arrested on burglary charges in West Virginia after police say he used his victim's computer to check his Facebook status while committing a burglary and forgot to log out.
The victim noticed the use of the computer and that her two diamond rings were missing. Police were able to track down the 19-year-old man and arrest him.
The victim probably won't be adding him to her "friends" list any time soon.
500 people, $100, days from Brightbulb on Vimeo.