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I tried to post this earlier today but had some technical difficulties.

Thanks to Keith at BagOfNothing
It sounds like something out of science fiction: zombie fire ants. But it’s all too real.
Fire ants wander aimlessly away from the mound.
Eventually their heads fall off, and they die.
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies
I follow a number of blogs. Some are funny, some have great photos, and some cover topics that interest me. There are a few that I monitor that are written by Church Planters. Two of the planters are a couple that were previously the youth pastor & wife at our church.
Kevin and Amy Colon started Cool River Church in Superior, CO (which, coincidentally, is just over 3.5 miles due west of where my family lived when I was in 2nd grade). Anyway, Kevin and Amy both blog, and I monitor their blogs just to keep up with what is going on.
Back in February Amy did a post titled "Need a Homerun Date Night Idea?" on her Church Planting Wives blog. In that post Amy recommended that her readers spend an evening reading blog posts by Justin and Trisha Davis. In a nutshell, Justin & Trisha were church planters that were incredibly successful. In about a year their plant grew to over 700 and things appeared great on the surface...until Justin left her and the ministry. After a period of counseling and restoration their marriage was renewed and their family was brought back together.
To help others Justin and Trisha have written a series of blog posts that I wanted to pass along. The first "8 Things That Destroyed Our Marriage" and the second series is "8 Things That Restored Our Marriage"
Below is a 27 minute video in which Justin and Trisha tell their story.