Monday, March 1, 2010

The Mummy Mug

Why a hot drink safety solution?

Because in a split sec­ond, a nice cup of tea can scar a child for life.

A tod­dler that reaches up to the kitchen bench and pulls a cup of hot tea over him – or her­self, or a cup acci­den­tally falls from the cof­fee table dur­ing a busy visit of friends and fam­ily .… this is all that it takes to cause an unnec­es­sary injury that can have con­se­quences for life.

Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing

Big Picture: Afghanistan, February, 2010

In southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province, Thousands of American, Afghan and British troops entered Marja in the biggest offensive of the war, with the goal of destroying the Taliban's largest haven and restoring government presence in southern Afghanistan. Resistance was sporadic and fierce as troops seized positions around the area. Stricter combat rules and a concerted effort by the Afghan government and NATO forces were aimed at not only protecting the civilian population, but planning for the aftermath, building infrastructure, support and trust in an area long dominated by the Taliban. Collected here are images of the country and conflict over the past month, part of an ongoing monthly series on Afghanistan. (43 photos total)
Click the image to see the full collection.Click the image to see the full collection. Warning: Some images are graphic...and I really mean that