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I started to think about the whole “real meaning of Christmas” debate and “is Santa bad” discussion that you almost are required by law to have if you’re a Christian blogger, I started to think about that elf. He was just sitting there with a smug look on his face perched on the fireplace mantle looming over our nativity scene below on the hearth. Instead of the traditional Santa vs. Jesus discussion, I began to imagine what would happen if that elf ever ran into the characters from the nativity scene. What would that conversation look like? I present you:
Elf on the shelf meets the characters from the nativity scene.
Click the image to read the Stuff Christians Like blog post.

Rent what you want, watch when you want, and exchange as often as you want. Idea is catching on. Netflix now boasts 11.1 million subscribers. That's a lot of people, who may or may not be washing their hands as often as you'd like.
We, literally, put Netflix under the microscope.
We delivered six different sealed Netflix envelopes, with six different Netflix DVD's inside to the pathology lab at the University of Texas Health Science Center of Tyler.
For help with our experiment, we went to Dr. Richard Wallace who is board certified in infectious diseases.
"My biggest concern for the DVD's would be the community MRSA that people pick up," he explained.
Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing

Five pastors. Five congregations. And one radically different approach to Christmas. What can we learn from it?
Click the picture to read the article.

Texas woman burned with pecan pie during Thanksgiving fight
Click the picture to read the article.