Great video for fans of baseball. Click on the logo to the left to go to the Batting Stance Guy website.
Thanks To Ty Walls
The life and times of Kensington's family
ELLETSVILLE, Ind. -- A Monroe County church has done without it for years, but the pastor said it's finally time to install a major upgrade -- indoor plumbing.
God's Way Family Church in Elletsville has lights, air conditioning and even a sound system. But the congregation has been using outhouses since the building was built, 6News' Ben Morriston reported.
Pastor Gilbert Thornton has launched a fundraising drive to get indoor facilities installed in an effort to draw more people on Sundays.
"It would help the growth of the church. When you say you've got outhouses, it actually turns them off," he said.
Thornton now has more motivation. When 6News asked the Monroe County Health Department about the situation, officials said they weren't aware the church was still using outhouses, which are in violation of several county codes.
"We will go out and look at it and work with them," said Director Penny Claudill.
Thornton said the project will likely cost close to $5,000. He said the journey will be a test of faith for his flock.
"I think some people believe (money) just falls out of the sky. It's not that simple," he said.
Anyone wishing to donate to the God's Way Family Church is asked to call 812-825-6655.
Chaplain Bottoms crawled over jagged glass and metal toward the voice. He feared his weight might shift the wreckage and cause more injuries. But as the Post put it, “Two tours as a chaplain in Iraq had instilled in him the instinct to comfort the injured and dying.” Bottoms recalled the words of a military mentor: “You don’t let anyone suffer alone.”Link To The BreakPoint Commentary
Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but it may have good reason to be upset. Since Microsoft launched the ads, which are a response to Apple's "I'm a Mac" ads, there is evidence that the campaign may be radically altering value perceptions of PCs. According to a report in AdAge, BrandIndex says Microsoft's so-called value perception has risen steadily since the campaign began in March, while Apple's has fallen.Click the image above to read the article.