Saturday, May 16, 2009

Brown-bag for Good

Brown-bag for Good is an opportunity for you to be generous with something as insignificant as your lunch money, and make a big difference in the life of someone else.

Here is how it works. During the week of May 18th, instead of going out to eat or visiting a drive-thru, brown-bag your lunch for the entire week. Take the money you saved by not going to restaurants or visiting a drive-thru during the week and be generous to others with it.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Buy a tank of gas for a single parent in your church or community.
  • Leave a large tip the next time you eat out.
  • Anonymously pay for school lunches for a struggling family.
  • Buy a gift card for groceries and donate to your church’s benevolence fund.
  • Bring in coffee and doughnuts for your coworkers.
Don’t forget to share your story of generosity so that others can be inspired. Also, we would love to see pictures of you and your friends brown-bagging at lunch!

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