This internet thing is amazing. Who knows, it might catch on after all. I have been blogging to one degree or another since the summer of 2007. I converted from the blogdrive service to this site in March of 2008. Up until that point I had no idea how many people actually accessed the things I posted.
On April 20, 2009 I added the Google Analytics tools to this blog. This is an amazing resource that tells me many things about the traffic that visits this site. This tool tells me what internet browser readers are using, what operating system they have installed, what their screen resolution is set to, and it even tells me where they are visiting from. It is really cool to see how many people are getting to experience my wit and wisdom (and yes, that last part is a joke).
I have been tracking this info in a spreadsheet for a little over a month now. I want to give you a chance to guess some of the statistics. I also want you to let me know how you first heard about the blog. This is purely for my curiosity, so no wagering please.
So, the first question is, of the 500+ unique hits on this site, how many continents do you think are represented? For extra credit, name the continents that you believe might be on the list. And don't forget to let me know how you heard about the blog.
Please submit your answer using the comment link at the bottom of this post, and if you don't mind please give me at least your first name when commenting (although signing in with your full name, e-mail and your blog URL is preferred).
Thanks for playing...
North America, South Ameria, and Asia?