Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hope for your marriage...

I follow a number of blogs. Some are funny, some have great photos, and some cover topics that interest me. There are a few that I monitor that are written by Church Planters. Two of the planters are a couple that were previously the youth pastor & wife at our church.

Kevin and Amy Colon started Cool River Church in Superior, CO (which, coincidentally, is just over 3.5 miles due west of where my family lived when I was in 2nd grade). Anyway, Kevin and Amy both blog, and I monitor their blogs just to keep up with what is going on.

Back in February Amy did a post titled "Need a Homerun Date Night Idea?" on her Church Planting Wives blog. In that post Amy recommended that her readers spend an evening reading blog posts by Justin and Trisha Davis. In a nutshell, Justin & Trisha were church planters that were incredibly successful. In about a year their plant grew to over 700 and things appeared great on the surface...until Justin left her and the ministry. After a period of counseling and restoration their marriage was renewed and their family was brought back together.

To help others Justin and Trisha have written a series of blog posts that I wanted to pass along. The first "8 Things That Destroyed Our Marriage" and the second series is "8 Things That Restored Our Marriage"

Below is a 27 minute video in which Justin and Trisha tell their story.

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