Better understand the woman who kept you in clean underwear (among many other things).I found this list of questions very interesting. Granted, it is meant more for a daughter to ask her mother, but it is thought provoking for anyone.
- What’s the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
- Why did you choose to be with my father?
- In what ways do you think I’m like you? And not like you?
- Which one of us kids did you like the best?
- Is there anything you have always wanted to tell me but never have?
- Do you think it’s easier or harder to be a mother now than when you were raising our family?
- Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents?
- What’s the best thing I can do for you right now?
- Is there anything that you wish had been different between us? or that you would still like to change?
- When did you realize you were no longer a child?
Thanks to many folks for sharing this on facebook
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