These experts, most under 13, consult their imaginations to foretell the 20-teens.Click the image above to read the article, but below are a few examples:
Sure, the last decade didn't get such a great rap; recessions, wars, and massive unemployment tend to do that. The question remains, though: What can we expect in the next 10 years? Instead of asking the usual experts, we wanted the dirt from those with the best imaginations - young people (that's anyone born after 1985). We recently e-mailed queries to parents and teachers asking what their charges predicted. Some forecasts were quite gloomy. But at least we'll finally have money trees.
- I think in 10 years there will be a device that makes monkeys talk to you in English. It will be the next big hit in the U.S.
- I think in the next decade the world will have too much technology and everyone will be attached to it. They won’t go outside and play with their friends.
- I think that in the next decade, scientists will start to make prosthetic lungs and other organs. I also think Apple will make at least five more products, a genius will be born, NASA will make plans for a habitable colony on the moon, the Hubble Space Telescope will find a new galaxy, and more efficient light bulbs will be made. Finally, I think heat lasers will be used in warfare.
- I think presidents will only have one year and one year only to live in the White House with fame. So yearly people get a chance to vote. I don’t think there will be a flying car, which is just unreasonable.
Thanks To Keith at BagOfNothing
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