Monday, April 5, 2010


Sunday April 4, 2010


Welcome to The James Experiment. Over the next 40 days, we will seek to find the answer to the question, "Does faith work?" As we work through the Experiment, our prayer is that you discover the answer and grow in your faith. This email is a bit longer to get you started on the right foot. The journey starts today.

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Start Today with James 1

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Each day, stop by the daily reading section of The James Experiment website. Here you will find the days reading, a brief comment, and an individual and family-reflection question to assist you. Start today by reading James 1. Talk to God before you begin reading and ask Him to teach you something today.

Monday: James 1
Tuesday: James 2
Wednesday: James 3
Thursday: James 4
Friday: James 5

Family Tip: If you are doing the Experiment as a family, consider asking the family discussion question around the dinner table each night.

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Start a James Experiment Journal

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Try journaling throughout the Experiment. Grab a spiral, your laptop or some other way of capturing what God will teach you over the next 40 days. Doing this will allow you to see what you have learned and will help you share that experience with others. This week as you read each chapter, ask the following questions and write down your insights:

  1. What does this teach me about God?
  2. What does this teach me about myself?
  3. Is there a sin to avoid?
  4. Is there a command to obey?
  5. Is there a promise to trust?

Evaluate your life in light of what you have written in your journal.

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Share Your Week One Experience

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We are confident God is going to do incredible things in your life. We want to hear about it. Tell us what you are learning in your daily reading, share a story regarding the weekly experiment, or express a frustration you having in your faith journey. Stop by the share your experience page and leave a comment, or read what others are sharing.

Another great way to share your experience is in your Adult Team. If you are not currently in a NorthWood Team and would like to join an Experiment small group, email us at

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The [JAMES] Experiment is a part of NorthWood Church.
At the corner of Rufe Snow and N. Tarrant • 817.431.2088 •

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