Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Robert Gates, Secretary of War

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is a man that I have grown to admire. He seems to have an apolitical approach to his job which I think is in the best interest of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. He also seems to view himself as responsible for their welfare. I would think just about anyone in uniform would be much more comfortable under his leadership than they were under Donald Rumsfeld (I don't think Rumsfeld was as evil as the press/left portrayed him though).
"How can you like a job when you go to Walter Reed or Bethesda [military hospitals] and you know you sent those young men and women in harm's way? Every single person in combat today, I sent there, and I never forget that for a second. So, no, I don't enjoy my job," Gates told CBS in an interview that aired on "60 Minutes."
Link To Full CNN Article Here

Watch 60 Minutes Interview Here

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